Written by Dara Beth & Ameera Conrad
Directed by Dara Beth
Previous Performances
KKNK Uitkampteater, Oudtshoorn | 2018
Original Cast
Ameera Conrad
Awards & Nominations
Kanna Award for Best Uitkampteater 2018 (nominee)
Ameera Conrad, 2018
Photo Credit: Jeremeo Le Cordeur
Ameera Conrad, 2018
Photo Credit: Dara Beth
Meet Lolly, a a real-life doll. She’s everything you’ve ever desired; everything every TV show has ever told you that you deserve. Men: she’s every schoolgirl fantasy you’ve ever had, every late night special. Women: she’s every image you’ve aspired towards, she’s every kinky thought you find yourself blushing at. Everyone in between: we’re sorry, the media hasn’t quite gotten to you yet, but Lolly might. Join Lolly as she guides you through a world of pleasure, providing helpful tips and insight you never knew you needed, through her easy-to-follow YouTube tutorials. Men: watch a professional teach your woman what you need. Women: learn about everything you need to make your man’s (or your friend’s man, or your maths teacher’s) fantasies come to life. Everyone else: we’re certain you’ll find at least some of it to your satisfaction.
Lolly is a 20-minute one-act play which focuses on the hyper-sexualisation of young women by older men.